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What is stamped or rolled Al?

[edit] Rolled or stamped Aluminium

Basically it looks like very, very small (smaller than a grain of sand) pieces of aluminium foil, but much thinner. It is extremely light and easily inhaled so please wear an appropriate breathing gear when handling. It burns very easily and gives off a very bright white light.


Is it possible to make or is there a place I can order it from?

grind aluminum foil in a coffee grinder then ball mill the resulting powder -pyroman of the night



Does anyone know a good commercial source for those who do not have access to skylighter ? I am very sceptical about milling it myself. So most professionals are about efficiency and resulting powder (shape, reactivity) and milling is dangerous. The latter is inferior to commercial quality. I once called Eckhart which is certainly the largest and best known of all the manufacturers of pyro quality alu, and asked for the prize for 25kg of coarse flake alu (flitter). It was about 400 Eur if you buy only one bag, which is definetely both too much powder and too steep prize for most of us. So does anyone a good source for kilo quantites in Europe?

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